Query List
51. Display the Employee no, Ename, Salary, Dname, Location, Department no, Job of all employees working at Tokyo or working for ACCOUNTING department with Annual Salary>28000, but the Salary should not be = 30000 or 28000 who doesn’t belongs to the Manager and whose eno is having a digit ‘7’ or ‘8’ in 3rd position in the ascending order of Dno and desc order of job.
Select E.eno, E.ename, E.salary, D.dname, D.location, E.dno, E.job_type from employee E, department D where (D.location = 'Tokyo' or D.dname = 'Accounting') and E.dno=D.dno and E.eno in (select E.eno from employee E where (12 * E.salary) > 28000 and E.salary not in (30000, 28000) and E.job_type != 'Manager' and ( E.eno like '__7' or E.eno like '__8')) order by E.dno asc , E.job_type desc;
No data found.
Select E.eno, E.ename, E.salary, D.dname, D.location, E.dno, E.job_type from employee E, department D where (D.location = 'Tokyo' or D.dname = 'Accounting') and E.dno = D.dno;
Inner Query:
Select E.eno from employee E where (12 * E.salary) > 28000 and E.salary not in (30000, 28000) and E.job_type != 'Manager' and ( E.eno like '__7' or E.eno like '__8');
52. List the employees who are senior to Karanveer working at Paris & Beijing.
Select * from employee e, department d where d.location in ('Paris', 'Beijing') and e.dno = d.dno and e.hire_date < (select e.hire_date from employee e where e.ename = 'Karanveer');
53. List the employees whose Jobs are same as Manish or Salary is more than Amit.
Select * from employee where job_type = (select job_type from employee where ename = ‘Manish’) or salary > (Select salary from employee where ename = ‘Amit’);
54. List the Employees whose Salary is greater than the total remuneration of the SALESMAN.
Select * from employee where salary > (Select sum(nvl2 (commission, salary + commission, salary)) from employee where job_type = 'Salesman');
55. List the employees whose jobs same as Sameer or Arjun.
Select * from employee where job_type in (select job_type from employee where ename = 'Sameer' or ename = 'Arjun');
Select * from employee where job_type in (select job_type from employee where ename in ('Sameer', 'Arjun'));