Query List 41 to 45

Query List

41. List the employees who joined on 25-JAN-81, 09-MAY-81, 05-NOV-81, 04- JUN-80 in asc order of seniority. 


Select * from employee where hire_date in ('25-JAN-81', '09-MAY-81', '05-NOV81', '04-JUN-80') order by hire_date asc; 


42. List the employees who are joined in the month of Jan 1982. 


Select * from employee where hire_date between '01-Jan-82' and '31-Jan-82'; 



Select * from employee where to_char(hire_date, 'mon-yyyy') ='jan-1982'; 


43. List the Enames those are starting with ‘A’ and with five characters. 


Select ename from employee where ename like 'A%' and length (ename) = 5; 


44. List the emps those are having six chars and fourth character must be ‘e’.


Select * from employee where length(ename) = 6 and ename like '___e%'; 


45. List the six character names starting with ‘R’ and ending with ‘h’.


Select * from employee where length(ename) = 6 and ename like ‘R%h’; 


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