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Query List 51 to 55

Query List 51. Display the Employee no, Ename, Salary, Dname, Location, Department no, Job of all employees working at Tokyo or working for ACCOUNT…

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Query List 46 to 50

Query List 46. List all the employees who joined before or after 1981.  Query:  Select * from employee where to_char(hire_date,'YYYY') not i…

Query List 41 to 45

Query List 41. List the employees who joined on 25-JAN-81, 09-MAY-81, 05-NOV-81, 04- JUN-80 in asc order of seniority.   Query: Select * from employe…

Query List 36 to 40

Query List 36. Query to display the department no, name and job for all employees in the Sales department.   Query:  Select e.Dno, e.Ename, e.Job_ty…

Query List 31 to 35

Query List 31. Query to display the Department Name, Location Name, No. of Employees and the average salary for all employees in that department.   …

Query List 26 to 30

Query List 26. Query to display Name, Dept No. and Salary of any employee whose department No. and Salary match both the department no. and the sala…

Query List 21 to 25

Query List 21. Query to display Name, Department Name and Department No for all the employees.  Query:  Select EMPLOYEE.Ename, DEPARTMENT.Dname, EMP…

Query List 16 to 20

Query List 16. Query to display Name, Hire Date and Salary Review Date which is the 1st Monday after six months of employment.  Query:  Select Enam…

Query List 11 to 15

Query List 11. Query to display the Name, Salary and Commission for all the employees who earn commission. Sort the data in descending order of Sal…

Query List 6 to 7

Query List 6. Query to display Employee Name and Department Number for the Employee No = E90.  Query:  Select Ename, Dno from EMPLOYEE where Eno=&#…
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